Sex is an integral element of a marriage. Physical intimacy allows two people to deeply express their shared love for another. It especially holds true in a marriage. It’s no secret that physical intimacy is important in a marriage. But what happens when you find yourself in a sexless marriage? Do you cheat? Quit? Here’s a different approach to survive a sexless marriage without cheating.
Table of Contents
- How to fix a sexless marriage
- Reasons for Loss of Physical Intimacy
- What does a sexless marriage do to a man
- What should a woman do in a sexless marriage
- Can a sexless marriage survive
- Summary
How to fix a sexless marriage
There are a few things you can do to try and improve the situation.
1.Communication with your partner
First, make sure you’re communicating with your partner. It’s possible that there are underlying issues that are causing the lack of physical intimacy. If you can’t communicate openly about the problem, it will be very difficult to fix it.
2.Be patient and understanding
Second, try to be understanding and patient. It may take some time to get things back on track. Don’t put pressure on your partner or yourself; just focus on enjoying each other’s company and being physical in other ways (hugging, holding hands, etc.).

3.Take care of yourself
Third, make sure you’re taking care of yourself. This is an important part of being happy in any relationship, but it’s especially important in a marriage without physical intimacy. Make sure you’re staying healthy and active; eat well, get enough sleep, and take time for yourself.
4.Make yourself look attractive
Fourth, make yourself look attractive. People underestimate the need to wear suggestive clothes and look all romantic around their significant other. If you want physical affection, put some physical effort into yourself. Physical appearance is not always the main priority in a relationship it definitely doesn’t hurt to make an extra effort to look nice for your partner. I often ask if you can’t be the best looking for your partner, who then? Make it a habit to always give your best in a marriage because it’s your refuge whenever the world goes haywire.
5.Realign your polarity
Take the time to realign your polarity with your partner. This can be a powerful way to reignite physical intimacy in your marriage. Spend time focusing on what you love about each other, and really connect with one another in a new way.
People forget that marriages are actually a blend of feminine and masculine energies. When your relationship becomes imbalanced, it can make physical intimacy difficult. By working to realign your polarity with your partner, you can create a more harmonious dynamic that allows for greater physical and emotional closeness. So if you want to fix a sex less marriage, don’t give up; remember that there are many things you can do to turn things around. Just be patient, open-minded, and focused on the health of your marriage overall.
6.Be vulnerable
Another key factor in improving a sex less marriage is being willing to be vulnerable with your partner. As you work to rebuild physical intimacy, it’s important to open up and let them see the real you. This means facing your fears and being honest about how you’re feeling. It may not feel comfortable at first, but vulnerability is an important step in rebuilding trust and intimacy in your relationship. So if you truly want to fix your …less marriage, be willing to take that risk and be open with your partner about what’s going on inside of you. Ultimately, they will appreciate your honesty and openness more than anything else.
Reasons for Loss of Physical Intimacy in a Marriage
There are many possible reasons why couples might lose physical intimacy in their marriage. Some common factors include stress, poor communication, differences in sexual desires or needs, infidelity, unresolved conflicts or issues in the relationship, and lack of emotional connection or intimacy. Ultimately, there can be a range of different triggers that lead to a loss of physical intimacy in a marriage.
If you want to improve your sexless marriage and regain physical closeness with your partner, it is important to first identify the root cause of the problem. This may require some soul-searching and honest reflection on your part. You may also need to seek out professional help or counselling if you find that you simply cannot resolve things on your own.
What does a sexless marriage do to a man?
There are many possible responses that a man may take in a marriage without physical intimacy. Some common strategies might include communicating with his partner about his needs, exploring alternative forms of physical and emotional connection, focusing on self-care and improving his own mental and emotional well-being, seeking out professional counselling or support from trusted friends or family members, or considering whether the relationship is ultimately right for him.
What should a woman do in a sexless marriage?
There are many possible actions that a woman may take in a marriage without physical intimacy. In all honesty, society tends to hold women to a higher moral pedestal. That’s to say women get blamed for most things; especially when marriages go awry. While modern women have more freedom and leeway, it’s important to weigh up your options before making any drastic measures. Applying some of the suggestions above can set a foundation for future actions. The idea is to minimize the chances of people finding a reason to label because of their marriage situation. Women in a sexless marriage hold as much power as their male counterparts.
Ultimately, there is no one “right” way to cope with a lack of physical intimacy in a marriage; it will depend on the individual situation and the specific needs and wants of each partner involved.
Can a sexless marriage survive?
Can you actually remain in a marriage lacking in physical intimacy without going astray? The answer depends on each couple’s situation.
If physical intimacy is important to you and your partner isn’t able or willing to meet that need, it may be difficult to stay in the marriage. According to a 2015 Pew survey, 61% of married adults in the United States say that a satisfying sexual relationship is important to a successful marriage.
However, not all people in sexless marriages are unhappy, if you’re able to find happiness in other aspects of the relationship, it may be possible to make things work.
Beware of the Cheating consequences
Cheating destroys more marriages than it fixes. If you do choose to go outside the marriage for physical intimacy, be honest with your partner about it. Lying and sneaking around will only make the situation worse. Cheating opens a can of worms most people are unaware of. It’s not only demeaning to your partner but also betrays their trust.
Other effects of cheating include :
- You could get an STD
- You may get caught
- It destroys the sanctity and respect in marriage and aggravates an otherwise bad situation.
Seek help
If you’re not getting physical intimacy in your marriage, it’s important to talk to your partner about it. If you’re unable to come to an agreement, you may need to seek help from a therapist or counsellor.

It’s important to remember that every marriage is different and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. If you’re struggling with a lack of physical intimacy in your marriage, talk to your partner and see what can be done to improve the situation.
Sex doesn’t equate to a happy marriage
Physical intimacy is an important part of a happy marriage, but it’s not the only thing that matters. If you find yourself in a marriage without physical intimacy, there are still plenty of ways to be happy and fulfilled. Just focus on communicating with your partner, being understanding and patient, and taking care of yourself. With a little effort, you can keep your marriage strong – even without physical intimacy.
So, how do you survive a sexless marriage without cheating? first, don’t give up hope. Just because things aren’t as physical as they used to be doesn’t mean they can’t improve. With time, patience, and understanding, you and your partner can get back on track and enjoy a happy and fulfilling marriage.