It is well
A story is shared of Horatio G. Spafford, the great lyricist, and composer who wrote: “It is well with my soul” after undergoing unimaginable loss.
Here is a summary of the story
‘A successful realtor and attorney, Spafford lost a great deal of his fortune in the infamous Chicago Fire of 1871. Not long after the fire incident, scarlet fever took away Spafford’s 4-year-old son. In an attempt to cheer up his family for the string of losses, he planned for a family vacation to England. Pressed by some pending business, his wife and four daughters sailed off first. He would join them later. When crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the ship carrying the wife and daughter wrecked and sunk. Only the wife survived. She wrote to Spafford with the news. The devastating and Spafford set sail at once to join his wife. Aboard the ship, the captain knew of the misfortune that had befell the Spafford. While passing the spot where the wreck took place, the captain summoned Spafford and made him aware. In reply, Spafford uttered the now famous words: ‘when peace like a river … it is well with my soul’.
Bliss in loss
From a point of loss came a message of hope, love, faith, and happiness that transcends time. Watering yourself after life’s storms is hard. True happiness, whether lost or simply inexistent in the first place, comes internally. You cannot find it the bottle or doing drugs, no matter how high they make you feel.
So, rather than waste your time pursuing things that only steal your joy, here are ways to reignite a downcast soul and find happiness again to enjoy your life.
15 Proven Hacks to be Happy Again
1. Identify when it all changed
In short, when did you start feeling sad? The idea is to get to wrap around the trigger factors. Reflect and see what sent you into that rabbit hole. Have you ever been happy before?

If yes, start by acknowledging the trigger factors. The reasons could include piling debts, loss of loved ones, divorce, job loss, and betrayal among others. There is neither a time limit nor a standard of how to mourn such storms. Take all the time you need but never dwell too much on spilled milk. Letting go is a measure of strength; embrace it. The best analogy to look at things is how an ocean appears. When calm, its deep blue waters are a sight to behold. However, when the tides rise, the consequences are devastating. Life comes in seasons.
Acknowledge the loss and pain areas but strive to enjoy the tranquility of happiness.
2. Don’t Fake it

Fake it till you make it is a mirage. Most cases of mental depression and suicide are traceable to people who deny the ups and downs of life.
Life, at some point, becomes messy. Allow yourself to experience the raw emotion in happy and bad times. Blocking these feelings brings more harm than good. Happiness is one piece of a big puzzle. Whenever it’s lacking, don’t fake it. With patience and proper actions, you’ll get there.
3. Be Responsible

Huh, here is a chance to apply some Physics. My teacher would be proud!
Newton’s third law of motion; for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Taking responsibility begins when you acknowledge that in all your actions, and inactions, there will be consequences.
Procrastination, assigning blames and other excuses, valid or not, will not find you happiness. Acknowledge the untapped potential and discard all the frustrations. Take action!
4. Practice Self-Love

We’ve provided a detailed guide on how self-happiness starts with self-love.
Check it out and see how you can get yourself on a path of fulfillment.
5. Define your happiness
Visualize how happiness should appear and means to you. A large number of people chase other people’s ideas of happiness. For instance, I find great happiness in connecting with nature, soaking my legs in a clear stream while listening to the chirping of crickets. Comparing yourself to others only steals your joy. Focus on your idea of happiness and tirelessly pursue it.
6. Acceptance
The serenity prayer is more of a practical expression rather than an expression of faith. Struggles in life are the norm. Make peace with whichever pain areas in your life and experience the bad emotions without resentment or excess self-criticism. After the rains, remember to look forward to the rainbow.
It’s admirable to walk through fire and coming out on the other side victorious.
7. Believe in Happiness
As a man thinks; so, he becomes.
If you want to be happy, then believe that you can be happy again. You deserve all the happiness, love, prosperity and all other nice things you wish. However, it all comes down to how you work towards it. The belief eases the process.
8. Be mindful
It means analyzing the circumstances and making peace with how things are. Now that you’ve accepted the situation, learn not to despise them. Mindfulness, according to research, helps a person to appreciate the little that’s going well in their lives. This is a step in the right direction.
9. Set a Goal
The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. The progress principle argues that people greater well-being if they make significant progress towards a desired outcome.

Success is not a single emotion. Look back at the times you experienced victory. Most probably, it was a process of small wins before the final outcome. Taking one step at a time, celebrating each win and keeping motivated is a proper model towards lost happiness.
10. Follow your gut
Ever heard of the dying patient asked of their biggest regret? Guess the answer.
Inability to have followed their dreams to the world’s end.
Sadly, that regret awaits both you and I if we do not take a leap of faith. Learn about yourself as you find happiness and trust in your capacities. It’s highly rewarding to go out there and doing what’s gives your life meaning.
11. Hold on to your values
Whatever you find honorable, just and true, always hold on to it. When trying to bring your life back on track, getting swayed by the need to adapt or take shortcuts can be overwhelming. That’s where most go wrong. Over time, holding on to one’s values makes one feel better about themselves; culminating into happiness.
12. Embrace change
Never be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. Even when it doesn’t feel good, change is necessary. Never shirk from taking a bull by its horn. Plan accordingly, shore up your emotional reserves and anticipate the ripples of embracing change. That’s how you become happy again.

13. Treasure the simplicity of life
Remember the silly jokes, the wild night out and other treasured memories with people who truly love and value you. Cling to these moments since they keep you afloat.
14. Mix up your dinner
Science says when we change our diet, we feed the body and brain with new minerals and vitamins by piquing the prefrontal cortex interest. Avoid the usual meals and experience the refreshing smell, flavor and sight of new dishes. Translate the same to your life’s routine. Create an environment for renewal.
15. Help yourself by helping others
People who positively impact others are some of the happiest people on earth. It’s the result of feeling as part of a wider but meaningful purpose; a greater calling. Science validates the value of giving as a way of eternal happiness. Everyone has a role to play but it’s only by getting involved with others that we can unravel such information. Start giving and become a happier person.
Here at Joy Vibes, we hope these tips encourage you to work hard to find happiness. Whatever life throws at you; it is well. See some happiness resource books to help you rediscover true happiness.