The Best 5 Love Poems: Words for the Heart

Poetry is an art. The use of words to convey what’s in the heart is amazingly cool. Here at the Joy Vibes, we’ve chosen five of the best love poems. Hope they can speak to your hearts. Whether you’re celebrating an anniversary, birthday with your loved ones or lost in the Valentine’s bliss, these are love poems to someone special.

For your loved ones, check out these top 5 love poems:


By Craig Arnold

Of many reasons I love you here is one

the way you write me from the gate at the airport

so I can tell you everything will be alright

so you can tell me there is a bird

trapped in the terminal      all the people

ignoring it       because they do not know

what to do with it       except to leave it alone

until it scares itself to death

it makes you terribly terribly sad

You wish you could take the bird outside

and set it free or       (failing that)

call a bird-understander

to come help the bird

All you can do is notice the bird

and feel for the bird       and write

to tell me how language feels

impossibly useless

but you are wrong

You are a bird-understander

better than I could ever be

who make so many noises

and call them song

These are your own words

your way of noticing

and saying plainly

of not turning away

from hurt

you have offered them

to me       I am only

giving them back

if only I could show you

how very useless

they are not

2.From My Heart

By Mrs. Creeves

A million stars up in the sky.
One shines brighter – I can’t deny.
A love so precious, a love so true,
a love that comes from me to you.
The angels sing when you are near.
Within your arms I have nothing to fear.
You always know just what to say.
Just talking to you makes my day.
I love you, honey, with all of my heart.
Together forever and never to part.

3.Baby When You Hold Me

By Shelagh Bullman

Baby, when you hold me, my emotions makes it clear
Just how much you mean to me while we are laying here.
I listen to your heartbeat in rhythm with my own,
With every pound that warming sound keeps me safe with love you’ve shown.

Baby, when you touch me with hands so soft but strong,
You wrap me in your warm embrace, just where I belong.
You hold me close and comfort me all throughout the night
Until you open up your eyes to first signs of daylight.

Baby when you kiss me before you start your day,
The happiness you bring my heart, no words can ever say.
You make my life so beautiful, wonderful, and new.
You’re my hopes and dreams. You’re my everything; I’m so in love with you.

4.Sun and Moon

By Del Kayler

You were like the sun who brought light
Into my cold, dark, and lifeless night.
You made me realize that no matter what I do,
My life will always revolve around you.

Just when I thought that darkness was all around,
You showed me your light and picked me up off the ground.
In your arms, love and care is what I found.
With you, peace and ease surrounds.

We are like the sun and the moon.
Far in every way, but I wish to see you soon.
We are miles and miles apart,
But never forget we are always connected in our heart.

5.Cheers to Love

By Beryl L Edmonds

The world must become a much better place
Where more people dwell with a smile on their face
Living together in kinship and peace
A world full of hope where joys never cease.

Wearing our heart on our sleeve everywhere
Will show all mankind that we really care
Thus shining a light that’s warming and bright
Love’s a splendid way to make the world right.

Live for the moment, our time here won’t last
Life is too precious to live in the past
The dawn of each day gives us all a fresh start
To those whom you love, tell them straight from your heart.

Today is a day that’s made for romance
Cast cares aside, let us all sing and dance
Kissing any doubts and heartaches away
Raise our glasses to love on Valentine’s Day.

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