Breaking the ceiling
Type ‘top Tik Tok stars who recently died by suicide” and you’ll be shocked. The names are available, and many. In most instances, these innocent people seemed to be smiling and all happy but the next one, they are gone. Forever.
Dazharria Quint Noyes posted “I’m annoying y’all, this is my last post” and with that, went ahead to commit suicide at a tender and promising age of 18 much to the bewilderment of her 1.7 million followers. My heart breaks a little whenever I think of such cases. For a world boasting of such interconnectivity, no one heard the silent cry for help often associated with most mental health victims.
May – the Mental Awareness Month
In May, the world celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental disorders have been around for centuries, and it is only now that we are beginning to understand their causes and effects. In the past, mental illness was seen as a weakness or character flaw. Today, we know that mental illness is a real disease that requires treatment just like any other physical ailment. I sincerely hope no one amongst you, dear readers, doubts the significant threat posed by mental health.
A silent pandemic
Mental illness can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, or socioeconomic status. In fact, one in five adults in the United States will experience mental illness in their lifetime. Mental illness is often accompanied by substance abuse, which further complicates the situation. The worst idea about mental health is its assumed silence.

The cancel culture is quick to dismiss victims of mental health, bullying them into silence. “Get over it”, “You’re just looking for attention”, and “This is all in your head” are popular remarks made to mental health victims. It takes a lot of courage to speak up about mental illness, and even more to get help. In my line of work, people with mental feel misunderstood and unloved. The cold attitude towards their plight doesn’t make things any easier. So, be kind.
If you or someone you know is struggling with mental illness, please seek professional help. You are not alone.
Mental Health America has a great website that can help you find resources in your area. For more information, please visit their website:
Suicide and Mental Health
Suicide is also a major concern when it comes to mental health awareness. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US, and mental illness plays a role in more than half of all suicides. This is devastating.
One of the main challenges of mental health is its prevalence. People confuse mental disorders with the concept of mental health. You see, in our daily existence, we’re affected by all aspects of life. This in turn affects how we work, relate, and react to different life phases. For instance, scientific research in 2021 revealed how 55% of American workers weren’t mentally ill but they weren’t thriving either.

That, dear friends, is the paradox of mental health. It often passes off as the norm.
What is Mental Health Awareness
In simple terms, it refers to concerted efforts aimed at reducing the stigma around mental illnesses and mental health struggles by sharing our personalized experiences. If we can all come together and decide to slay the monster that is mental health; then the fight would be won. Hands down.
What are you doing to fight mental health stigma?
I’ll be honest with you, I’m not doing much considering the mammoth task ahead. But I am trying to do better. After all, mental health starts with each one of us. So, let’s make a vow to do better. In your own way, try to embrace the idea of mental health as a necessity. It can happen to you.
High-Profile Ridicule
Simone Biles, the American gymnastics pulled out of the 2021 Olympics citing mental health. I celebrated her decision. Why? For the simple reason of its significance. With the world watching, money, and fame on the line, she chose to take off the yoke that weighs down most of us. She won my respect and admiration more than any gold medal would.
Naomi Osaka, the Japanese tennis player has often cited mental health as imperative. So vital is her mental welfare that she brought forth a debate on the role of media in causing mental health challenges among elite athletes. Perhaps, in the near future, we shall revisit.
The sad part of these brave and laudable acts is the opposing voices that called these talented athletes weak, selfish, and individuals trying to shirk their responsibilities. Get on with it, huh?
That’s how mental health issues are easily swept under the carpet.
Mental Health Awareness is Critical
Mental health awareness is important because it can help to break the stigma surrounding mental illness. When people are more aware of mental illness, they are more likely to speak up about their own mental health problems and seek help when necessary.
Every tragedy, every life lost, unfulfilled potential, and wasted talents consumed by mental health are regrettable.
A problem shared is a problem half-solved. I need to clarify the common assumption of conversation being the solution to mental health. It runs deeper than just visiting your counselor. However, talking to someone or a professional is a great start. Kudos to those who take this giant leap.
Mental Health Resources
If you or someone you know is struggling with mental illness, there are many resources available to help. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is a great place to start. NAMI offers support groups and educational programs for both those affected by mental illness and their loved ones.
Let’s Talk about Mental Health
Mental health awareness is an important step in helping to improve the lives of those affected by mental illness.
Mental health is often viewed as a taboo topic, but it’s time to start talking about it. Mental health awareness is important in order to break the stigma and ensure that people who are struggling can get the help they need.

Mental health is an important issue that should be discussed more openly. mental health affects everyone, and we all need to do our part to break the stigma. mental health awareness is vital in order to ensure that people who are struggling can get the help they need.
Mental Health is an everyday reality
There are many factors that can contribute to mental health problems, and it is important to be aware of them. Stress, trauma, genetic predisposition, and substance abuse can all lead to mental health issues. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, it is important to seek help. There are many resources available to assist you in finding the help you need.
Yes We can
Let’s all work together to break the stigma surrounding mental health and ensure that people who need help can get it. Let’s start the conversation today.