Bereaved: Grieving the Loss of Those We Love

Death and change are the only two constants of human existence. It’s quite horrible dealing with the loss of loved ones. Some people sink into depression; never truly experience life as espoused. Unlike the common notion of death as a common denominator in our existence, death is actually an incompleteness. Come to think of it, very few people get to anticipate and plan for their death. Can anyone really talk of embracing the mysterious forces of death? In most instances, people leave unfulfilled dreams and untapped potential. Well, before turning all philosophical about death, point is, that death is inevitable. For everyone. Those left behind after significant ones die must cope.

Death is not easy

It’s one of the hardest things in life to deal with when someone you love dies. The pain and grief can be overwhelming. Understandably so. After all, you have just lost someone very dear to you. There are no simple solutions to make the pain go away. The initial shock and disbelief are followed by numbing pain and sadness. These are all-natural reactions to loss. You may feel isolated and alone. You may even feel like giving up. It’s important to understand that these feelings are normal and that there is no right or wrong way to grieve.

But there are things you can do to help yourself heal and start to move on.

Coping with the death of a loved one

Give yourself time to grieve

Don’t try to push your feelings away or bottle them up. It’s okay to cry, to be angry, and feel scared or alone. These are all normal reactions to loss. Allow yourself to experience them and don’t worry about what other people might think. Denial is one of the stages of grief. At first, it may be hard to believe that the person you love is gone. You may find yourself waiting for them to come back or expecting them to walk through the door at any moment. This is normal. Accepting the death of a loved one takes time.

Talk about your loved ones and keep their memory alive

Share stories and photos with others. This can be a great way to connect with others who are grieving and to help keep your loved one’s memory alive. You can start a charitable fund to engage in activities to immortalize the deceased. However, do it for the right reasons. I can’t believe I’m saying this but some people capitalize on the loss of a loved one to raise funds for their personal use. Be straightforward and don’t tarnish the memory of those who cannot defend themselves. That’s just my two cents.

Join a support group or talk to a counselor

This can be extremely helpful, especially if you feel like you’re struggling to cope on your own. Talking to others who have gone through the same thing can help you feel less alone and more understood. It can also be helpful to talk to a professional who can offer guidance and support. Acknowledging your pain and the raw emotions emanating from the loss of a loved one needs to be properly managed since it can lead to health and emotional distress. Always remember you’re never alone!

Focus on taking care of yourself

Grieving can be exhausting, both emotionally and physically. Make sure to eat healthy meals, get plenty of rest, and exercise regularly. These things will help you physically and mentally cope with your loss. One of the friends lost their parents and experienced difficulty taking care of themselves. It was only after his blood pressure shot up that he went back to the basics. With proper help and guidance, he became more conscious of his health and self-care.

Lean on your friends and family for support

They can be a great source of comfort and understanding. If you don’t feel like you have anyone to turn to, there are also many support groups available for people who are grieving. A shared sense of loss, knowing your loved one touched a few lives is comforting. Lean on those who comprehend how much the loss affected you.

Be hopeful

A better future beckons. The sun still shines, love never dies. After the loss of a love one, it is essential to remember that life goes on. It may be difficult to imagine now but eventually, you will be able to find happiness again. Focus on the good memories you have of your loved ones and know that they will always be with you.

No one can prepare you for the death of a loved one. It’s a pain like no other. But it’s important to understand that there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Allow yourself time to mourn and heal in whatever way feels best for you. And don’t hesitate to reach out for support when you need it!

How long should one grieve loved ones?

Do they ever go away? I think we carry us with them wherever we go. Till we meet again.

Remember that it’s okay to laugh and enjoy life again. Just because someone you love has died doesn’t mean you have to stop living. Lean on your friends and family, find things that make you happy, and take small steps each day to move forward.

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